Copyright © 2025 John Hesse Productions LLC
Copyright © John Hesse Productions LLC
- Eric Stange interviewing Secretary Baker in Houston
- Sec. Baker at the Baker Institute
- Secretary Baker on Turkey Hunt Setting up a blind on the Baker ranch, Rockpile, in South Texas
- Tom Brokaw Recording the documentary narration in New York
- Tom Brokaw the recording studio with Eric Stange and John Hesse
- Eliza Lovett Randall James Baker's Cousin interviewed in Houston
- President Jimmy Carter Preparing for interview in Plains, Georgia
- President Carter ...with Eric Stange, John Hesse, and Director of Photography Mark Rublee
- The Baker Ranch in Wyoming Getting ready for fly fishing
- Fly fishing in Wyoming ...with daughter Mary Bonner Baker
- First Lady Barbara Bush Interviewed at Kennebunkport, ME
- General Colin Powell Interviewed in Washington, DC
- Sec. Condoleeza Rice ....with Stange and Hesse at Stanford University
- Hedrick Smith Journalist and author, Interviewed at the Kennedy School at Harvard
- President Bill Clinton Interviewed at the Clinton Foundation in New York
- President Clinton
- President Clinton ...with Stange and Hesse
- Israeli President Shimon Peres Interviewed in Jerusalem
- President Peres
- President Peres ...with Eric Stange and John Hesse
- Ambassador Zalmon Shoval Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Interviewed in Tel Aviv
- Ambassador Zalman Shoval Former Israeli Ambassador to the US
- Vice President Dick Cheney Interviewed in McLean, VA
- Vice President Cheney
- Alan Murray President, Pew Research Center
- Filming Exteriors in Paris Photographer Stefen Thissen with Eric Stange
- Filming Exteriors in Paris
- Roland Dumas Former French Foreign Minister interviewed in Paris
- Roland Dumas ....with Hesse and Stange
- Elizabeth Pond Journalist & Historian, interviewed in Berlin
- Hans Dietrich Genscher Former German Foreign Minister interviewed in Berlin
- Hans Dietrich Genscher
- Horst Teltschik Former German National Security Advisor, interviewed in Tegernsee, Germany
- Lord Charles Powell Former Foreign Policy Advisor to Margaret Thatcher
James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work
Production Photos